Welcome to Zaccheus Accountants

Being a small business owner can be quite hectic and stressful. This is mostly due to the fact that as the owner of your business, you are responsible for every single function involved in successfully running your business.

Your business needs an efficient accounting and bookkeeping system to ensure growth and sustainability, but when it comes to these functions, it can however be extremely difficult if you don’t have the necessary skills or time.

This is where we come in, whether you have a small or medium business or your personal tax affairs are in turmoil, rest assured, we can assist.

We offer a wide range of services and we pride ourselves in providing excellent customer service, exceeding your expectations. Contact us now and book your appointment.

The first hour consultation is free!



About Us

Zaccheus Accountants was founded in September 2014, providing bookkeeping, accounting and taxation services to small and medium businesses as well as individuals.

The company is run by Cornel Koch, a qualified Professional Accountant who completed his B.Compt degree from the University of South Africa (UNISA) and his articles through SAICA’s learner program / student program. He is also registered at the South African Institute for Professional Accountants (SAIPA) and may act as accounting officer for Close Corporations, private Companies and Trusts. Furthermore, he is a tax practitioner with SARS and has 20 years’ relevant experience in the accounting, auditing and estate administrative fields.


5 Benefits of Using A Bookkeeping Service

Using an external bookkeeping service has many benefits over using an individual bookkeeper. Here are our 5 biggest benefits of using a bookkeeping service:

Unbiased Opinion
Having an external bookkeeper can do wonders for your business. An internal bookkeeper is often emotionally involved in the business. External bookkeeping services will be all business and may offer some crucial insight into your business's financial situation. It may be positive or negative insight, but either way it is valuable information you may have missed otherwise.

An Expert for Your Industry and Your Business
There are general bookkeepers and there are expert bookkeepers. You should be able to find a bookkeeping expert for your specific business; both the industry and size of your business. Finding a bookkeeper with specific experience and expertise in your industry can be crucial and highly beneficial. Also, look for a bookkeeping service that specializes in working with companies that are similar in size to your business.

Lower Costs
A bookkeeping service should lower your costs in numerous ways. The obvious cost savings benefits are lack of payroll taxes, paid vacation and other employee benefits. You can also save on capital costs such as the purchase of computers, software and software license fees. Also, in general you should be able to pay a bookkeeping service much less than a full-time employee. Lastly, a bookkeeping service will not tell you what you want to hear regarding your financial situation. Your bookkeeper should act like a financial watchdog over your business, always on the lookout for cost saving opportunities or financial trends that need attention.

Lower Turnover
Many internal bookkeepers simply leave a business. It may be from boredom, a better opportunity or they feel underappreciated by the business owners. No matter what the reason the absence of a bookkeeper can cause major financial turmoil within your business. Suddenly, those simple day to day bookkeeping tasks are no longer getting done. Money has stopped flowing in and vendors are calling about past due balances. If you outsource your bookkeeping, you may never have to hire again. Bookkeeping services rarely drop clients and are more interested in long-term business relationships.

Focus on What is Important to You
Using a bookkeeping service will allow you to focus on what is important to you, both within and outside of your business. Maybe you want to focus on sales and growth, but you need certain financial reports and analysis to do so. Maybe you just don't want to have to worry about your business bookkeeping so you can focus on things outside of the office, such as your family and or a hobby. Using a bookkeeping service will alleviate any concerns about your business financials so you can refocus on what is important to you.


Accounting & Bookkeeping

Monthly / 2 monthly / yearly bookkeeping
Financial statements
Management statements
Statement of assets & liabilities
Debtor & Creditor reports
Account reconciliation
Trial balance
Interpretation of and reporting on financial results
Business plans
Cash flow projections

Payroll Administration

Monthly payroll and salary slips
Registration as an employer with SARS
Registration as an employer with Department of Labour

Registration as an employer with Compensation Commissioner

Calculation, completion and submission of EMP201 returns

EMP501 reconciliation and issuing of tax certificates
Declarations with the Department of Labour
Annual wage return with the Compensation Commissioner

Tax Consultancy & Compliance

Income tax registration, completion & submission of income tax returns

VAT registrations, calculation, completion & submission

Provisional tax calculation, completion & submission
SARS liaison

Application & assistance with obtaining tax directives
Arrangements with the payment of tax liabilities and general correspondence with SARS

Disputed tax matters, including the preparation of objections against adverse decisions by SARS

Auditing & Assurance

Accounting officer duties for Close Corporations
Due diligence investigations
Agreed upon procedures
Internal audits & investigations

Financial Planning & Risk Management

Evaluation & design of accounting and internal control systems

Pastel Reseller

Registered Pastel dealer
Pastel support
Sage One Advisor

Other Services

Property valuations (Outsourced)
Commissioner of Oath
Preparation of Wills
Formation of Trusts
Administration of estates


Ideal for Small Businesses and Sole Proprietors


(Can be VAT or Non-VAT Registered)

Provisional Tax Return

(Maximum of 3 Hours per month)

Annual Tax Return

Drawing up Financial
(Maximum of 5 Hours)

R1300 PM


Ideal for Small Businesses that are growing


(Can be VAT or Non-VAT Registered)

Provisional Tax Return

(Maximum of 5 Hours per month)

All Statutory Returns

Annual Tax Return

Drawing up Financial Statements
(Maximum of 8 Hours)

R2500 PM


Ideal for Small Businesses that need extra services


(Can be VAT or Non-VAT Registered)

Provisional Tax Return

(Maximum of 5 Hours per month)

All Statutory Returns

Monthly Management Reports

Annual Tax Return

Drawing up Financial Statements
(Maximum of 8 Hours)

(Face to Face – Maximum of ½ hour per consultation)

R3800 PM


We create a package that best suits your business needs


All services offered are tailor made per agreement and based on a specified fee or retainer basis.



EMP201 Return R 120-00 pm
VAT201 Return R 120-00 pm
UIF Return (U-filing) R 120-00 pm
Using of my Payroll Software - (Once-off setup fee) R 960-00

Using of my Payroll Software - (License fee per employee)
- R 12-50 per employee
- Payroll R 120-00 for 1-5 employees
- R 240-00 for 6-15 employees
- More than 15 employees – Price on request


*All fees are based on years’ experience and expertise*

If maximum hours are exceeded, a standard hourly rate will be charged for each hour spent thereafter. All additional hours will be discussed and agreed upon prior to work carried out.

Additional services will be agreed upon prior to work been carried out i.e. Secretarial Services etc. Proof of Income confirmations are not chargeable items. Should we be appointed as the Secretary of the business, then we will be needing all original business documents which are kept by us for safekeeping. An annual fee will be chargeable every year in the month of March/April.

A Pro Rata fee will be charged when the Secretary appointment is after March/April.

Payments are payable on the last working day of each month. Should you choose to pay as you go, then all work-in-progress during the month is billed at month-end, irrespective of whether the project is completed or not.

Annual Financial Statements are a separate charge unless agreed to by contract and included in a Package.

Payroll is a separate function unless agreed to be contract and included in a Package. Should we make use of my Payroll Software, a monthly fee of R35.00 per employee who receive a remuneration are payable since the license subscription fee payable is based on the total employees for the month which receive a remuneration.

All our fees exclude VAT and increases annually in January of each year.

Packages are calculated per business. Group packages are only available on request. All fees are payable strictly in advance.

Traveling, Food and Accommodation expenses are excluded from fees and charged separately. Traveling by vehicle is charged at R4 per km and Food charged at R100 per meal.

Accommodation, Toll Fees, Flights, Car Rentals are charged with the actual costs.

For any new client where outstanding returns/financial statements are outstanding prior to the current financial tax year, a retainer deposit is payable, calculated per an estimation of time required to do the work.

For any urgent work, a retainer deposit is payable, calculated per an estimation of time required to do the work.

First consultation for a potential new client is free but limited to an hour.


We are always happy to hear from you

Telephone Number: 022 125 0271
E-mail: info@zaccheus.co.za


Physical Adres
Ground Floor East Wing
Oostewal Business Centre
146 Oostewal Street

Postnet Suite 002
Privaatsak X6
Langebaan, 7357


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Zaccheus Accountants